Yarns & Links
Knitting Machines
What's Happening?
Carrico's Creative Corner
Pamela Carrico, owner
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Phone: (918) 333-8933
if unavailable, I have an answering machine
e-mail:  cherokeemaid333@yahoo.com
Shop Hours: by appointment  - just call ahead of when you want to come.
Yarns and Links
Sweater Weather is coming with Septembe so the Yarn Sale for the month is 20% off all Berroco yarns in shop!    Give a call @ 918-333-8933, leave a voice mail or text for more information and come on out!!!
check for sales on knitting machines on the Knitting Machines Tab above.

Check out our Sale page for yarns & Books 50% off.

These are yarns companies I carry with links to their sites so that you can see what is available and if I don't have it in shop, what I could special order.  I have discounts on ordered yarn  which are:  15% off on  1/2 a bag, 25% off on a full bag (bag can range from 3 to 10 balls/skeins).  Cones are 10% of  1 to 5 lbs. & 20% of 6 to 10lbs; 25% off 11 lbs or more. Also if the yarn can be ordered single skeins (ie. Frabjous Fibers), I will discount them 15% also.

Plymouth yarn:   http://www.plymouthyarn.com
Trendsetter Yarns: http://www.trendsetteryarns.com
Misti Alpaca:  http://www.mistialpaca.com/
Berroco Yarns: http://www.berroco.com/yarn_boutique.html
Cascade Yarns: http://www.cascadeyarns.com/cascadeyarns.asp
Tamm, CottonTale 8:   http://www.knitknackshop.com/yarns.html
The Alpaca Yarn Co: http://www.thealpacayarnco.com/
Knitting Fever/Euro Yarns: https://knittingfever.com/

For pictures of some of the yarns in shop - click here

Hand Knitting & Crochet
Machine Knitting & Weaving
Carrico's Creative Corner
Pamela Carrico, owner
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Phone: (918) 333-8933
if unavailable, I have an answering machine
e-mail:  cherokeemaid333@yahoo.com
Shop Hours: by appointment  -
just call ahead of when you want to come.
Also go to:
to see what Pamela has designed,  created  and has for sale
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